Moving Borders

La briqueterie is involved in the new European project Moving Borders, bringing together a European dance network (Aerowaves), a museum (Arte Sella, Italy), and a dance festival (Tanec Praha, Prague).


Moving Borders explores how three female dance artists from Ukraine – and the migration of millions of women and children escaping from the Russian occupation of their country – are informing approaches to welcoming and engaging refugees through dance, and in the development of inclusive and cohesive practices across Europe.

This project aims to provide tools to dance and cultural organisations to handle the arrival off orcibly displaced artists and civilians, by facilitating exchanges within local social and cultural contexts, as well as exploring issues around the inclusion of new comers and being responsive towards new challenges brought by the cross-border movement of people. 

The projectwas launched at la briqueterie from 08 to 10 January 2024, in the presence of the partners and artists involved.
> here's a look back.

Associate artist

The young Ukrainian choreographer Rita Lira, supported by la briqueterie since the beginning of 2022, will take part in the project for two years. Forced to leave Ukraine in 2022, she was welcomed in residency and supported by la briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne. Thanks to the Ministry of Culture's PAUSE emergency scheme, she spent a year in residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts.


 Upcoming events:

- 3 international workshops: 17-19 June in Prague as part of the Tanec Praha festival in Prague; 25-27 August at Arte Sella in Italy; 18-20 November at la briqueterie in Vitry-sur-Seine.

- 10 online sessions: from July 2024 to October 2025

- 1 final conference with the presentation of the researchin Dublin: June 2025

- Moving Borders contributes to the work of the researchers associated to the project by encouraging national and European networks (Aerowaves and EDN - European Dance Development Network) to provide input on the content and by putting artists in touch with professionals in the cultural sector.

icon photo : Joseph Banderet